This family sized roof box will safely carry all of your luggage outdoor gear and bulky loads wherever your travels lead.
Thule volvo roof box.
With thule roof racks we share the same values even for carrying extra cargo all to ensure you your family and your gear arrive in perfect shape.
The range of user friendly features include quick and secure mounting on the car smooth opening and closing of the lid and dualside opening for easy access.
Constantly aiming at staying one step ahead and working closely together with the car industry thule introduces a new generation of roof rack systems.
Universal motion xt roof cargo box by thule.
The box is made of vacuum formed abs plastic which means that it is lightweight but also rigid.
Optimized airflow around the box thanks to aerodynamically streamlined design.
What s more our roof racks are also a base for adding stylish carriers or boxes on to your volvo.
Thule s number one priority is safety for you and the people around you.
Plus fits your car roof.
Universal motion xt roof cargo box by thule.
Thanks to the ingenious torque limiter key that clicks once it s properly tightened you can be sure of a safe and secure fit on your vehicle every time.
Newly designed push button lock system allows for quick and easy locking strap operation and security exclusive telescoping design delivers a custom fit for board widths up to 34 wide.
Thule cargo carriers are an ideal way to make sure you have everything with you on your travels without feeling loaded down.
Also at the thule test center our products are only given the official seal of approval once they ve survived numerous crash tests wear and tear simulations as well as extreme heat cold damp sunlight and even harsh chemicals.
Henrik eriksson design director thule.
Plus fits your car roof.
The roof box features quick grip snap locks providing quick and secure mounting.
The volvo designed roof box has aluminum strips and inserts with the volvo wordmark on each side.
Our fit kits ensure your roof rack fits your car as safely and securely as possible.
Can be opened from both sides.
Optimized airflow around the box thanks to aerodynamically streamlined design.
The low profile thule edge system offers a sleek integrated design while the thule evo system maximizes the loading area and comes with a variety of load bar options.
Low profile roof box with aerodynamic design perfect for the winter sport enthusiast.
Thule s thru axle fork mount carrier fits the complete range of thru axle diameters without needing adapters and has universal roof rack system compatibility.
With a minimum of tools installing a thule roof rack on your car roof is now quicker and easier than ever before.