Trudog s recipe uses rich beef and organs to provide dogs with a densely nutritious meal that gives them energy all day long.
Trudog dry dog food.
The recipe follows a raw carnivore diet using things dogs would likely eat in the wild such as the stomach lining to provide essential fatty acids and stomach acid to smooth digestion.
Enter code vet30 to receive 30 off your first autoship eligible purchase of any single vet authorized diet dog or cat food.
Using only high quality select cuts of real meat and fresh wholesome herbs and veggies rawgo is the ideal diet for discerning dogs.
Freeze dried dog food is a mix of raw vital organs muscle meat blood bone 100 farm raised usa sourced wisconsin no fillers veggies or artificial preservatives.
Trudog is a freeze dried grain free raw dog food using a generous amount of named meats as its main source of animal protein thus earning the brand 5 stars.
Rawgo provides the meaty aroma and taste your dog loves as a dry or rehydrated complete meal.
Trudog s rawgo is a dehydrated raw meat based premium dog food that s easy to feed.
Discount taken off highest priced qualifying vet authorized diet item upon checkout.