Scrape off any excess peanut butter using a dull knife.
Trying to get peanut butter out of carpet.
How to get gum out of carpet with peanut butter without ruining your carpet first and foremost put on the pair of gloves to keep your hands safe from any kind of dirt and chemicals.
Before using peanut butter magic to restore your carpet to its gum free glory you should first scrape the area to remove as much gum as possible.
You can remove the peanut butter stain from your carpet following the steps below.
Try to get a spoon or a dull knife and carefully scoop the peanut butter on the carpet.
How to get gum out of carpet with peanut butter step one get rid of as much gum as you can.
Again use a dull knife or the edge of a spoon to lift away as much of the solid peanut butter as possible.
You can tell if it s strong enough if you can easily clean peanut butter off of a spoon or.
Scoop the excess peanut butter to start the cleaning process you will need to scoop up the excess peanut butter that is still on the floor.
Peanut butter stains on carpet if your open faced peanut butter sandwich lands upside down on the carpet the first step is to move as quickly as possible.
Having no choice you pull up your pants and head off to work with turds and the like all intertwined with your butt hair thus giving the appearance of peanut butter in the carpet.
Get a spoon from your kitchen and carefully scoop up as much of the peanut butter as you can.
Any dinner knife comb or putty knife will work just fine.
After clearing the area the next step that you will have to take is to create a cleaning solution that will get rid of the stain.
Apply a small amount of acetone to the stained area and blot immediately.
Sponge the stain with a dry cleaning solvent using a clean cloth and blot until the solvent is absorbed.
Again use a dull knife or the edge of a spoon to lift away as much of the solid peanut butter as possible.
Do this until you are able to extract as much of the spill as possible.
The first step that you must do is to remove as much of the peanut butter spilled on the carpet as you can.
Make sure that you take your time and do not rush this task as you could end up making matters worse.
Here are some helpful steps to aid you in removing that unsightly stain from your carpet.
Scooping up the spilled peanut butter on the carpet is the first thing that you have to do.
Just use a dull knife slowly and carefully extract the peanut butter until your carpet is free of any food particles.
Take the scarper and use it to get rid of any loose gum that is on top of the carpet but don t tug on the gum too hard it may lead to too many fibers coming out of the carpet.
Peanut butter stains on carpet and upholstery if your open faced peanut butter sandwich lands upside down on the carpet the first step is to move as quickly as possible.
After a particularly greasy oily and runny dump you realize you are out of toilet paper.