Wellness complete health natural dry dog food small breed healthy weight recipe is healthy natural dog food for adult small breed dogs featuring a smaller kibble size for smaller mouths and made with carefully chosen authentic ingredients and with reduced calories for your less active or overweight dog and provides whole body nutritional support for healthy weight loss and weight maintenance.
Wellness complete health dry dog healthy weight.
Calorie content this food contains 3 430 kcal kg or 405kcal cup me metabolizable energy.
Wellness complete health natural dry dog food small breed turkey oatmeal recipe is healthy natural dog food for adult small breed dogs featuring a smaller kibble size for smaller mouths and made with carefully chosen authentic ingredients for everyday health and provide an optimal balance of nutrient rich whole foods to fulfill the unique health needs of your dog providing whole body.
Wellness healthy weight 4 5 stars m.
Since overweight or obese dogs are at a greater risk for cardiovascular disease diabetes cancer and hip and joint problems wellness created wellness complete health healthy weight deboned chicken peas adult dog food.
It supports healthy weight loss satisfies hunger and promotes hip and joint health.
Every dog is a little different so optimal feeding amounts may vary with age size activity level breed and environment.
The wellness complete health product line includes the 14 dry dog foods listed below.
If feeding with wellness wet food reduce dry amount by cup 39 g for every 6 oz 170 g of wet food.
Wellness complete health healthy weight dry dog food provides whole body nutritional support for healthy weight loss and weight maintenance.
This tasty recipe uses carefully chosen authentic ingredients with reduced calories for less active or overweight dogs.
Growth maintenance all life stages supplemental or unspecified.
Wellness complete health dry dog food supports your dog s healthy weight loss balanced natural nutrition optimal nutrient absorption and hip and joint health all with natural and delicious ingredients to provide a guaranteed great taste that dogs love.
Obesity is the most common nutrition related health condition in dogs today.
Each recipe includes its related aafco nutrient profile when available on the product s official webpage.