When this is the case a vacuum that has no suction lost will suction the vacuum to the face of the carpet making it extremely difficult to push or pull resulting in a more difficult job for the technician.
What is pulling threads out of my carpet.
Run a fan or two to dry the carpet.
At seams it is not unusual to see tufts coming out or a row of loops pulled out.
Wet carpet pad is like a big sponge.
Surfacing threads in an oriental carpet oriental rugs with a hard twist or hand spun wool sometimes develop pulls originating from wool which has avoided initial shearing.
First go to the corner nearest the wet area grab the carpet with pliers and pull the carpet off the tack strip.
The new soft style carpet has so many fibers packed into a small space that there is not much air movement from the backing.
Continue pulling the carpet off the tack strip by hand until you can fold back the entire wet section.
The most common cause of this is the failure of the installers to properly seal the edges of the carpet prior to seaming.
More often than not pet toenails and furniture moving are the main causes of snagged carpeting.
Carpeting is big heavy and bulky lincon says and just the act of pulling it up is more difficult than it might seem at first for starters carpeting attaches to the floor along the edges.
The wool avoids shearing partly due to its curly nature where the yarn literally will come to the top of the pile crest and turn back down toward the foundation.