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What is the room temperature right now.
Room temperature helps you to get estimate room temperature of room or your environment.
Devices without this sensor have to be leave for about one.
Colloquially room temperature is the range of air temperatures that most people prefer for indoor settings which feel comfortable when wearing typical indoor clothing.
There are scientific reasons why a room temperature of around 65 f 18 3 c is optimal for good nighttime sleep.
So to get better results in temperature you need put your phone idol for few minutes even not.
Human comfort can extend beyond this range depending on humidity air circulation and other factors.
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Indoor temperature you have to notice that not so many devices have ambient sensor installed so mostly this is electronics device temperature.
Turning the temperature down helps keep the space cooler and comfortable.
Back in 1970 the average internal temperature of a home in the uk in the winter months was 12 c.
In the last 40 years the average room temperature in the uk has risen considerably largely due to the wide dispersion of central heating and improving insulation standards.
This relates to your body s internal temperature regulation.
In certain fields like science and engineering and within a particular context room temperature can mean different agreed.
Decades later this has risen to 18 c.
To get your room temperature this application check your phone s temperature.
No temperature sensor required.